
CUBO+ is the first educational program aimed at training the next generation of Bitcoin Salvadoran enthusiasts to contribute the Bitcoin adoption and the economic growth of El Salvador.

supported by our strategic alliances
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For building the next
Decentralized Generation

We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive learning environment that promotes learning, growth and collaboration.

Application process

To be part of cubo+ you must apply to the process within the specific time. You can apply even if you're not a developer since the course is aimed at teaching the basic fundamentals of Bitcoin (philosophical and economic principles).

Technical course

Focused on developers who wish to acquire skills in the Bitcoin and Lightning Network protocols.

Non technical course

Open to university students interested in learning about the fundamentals of Bitcoin.

prep period

A Generation Who Inspire

At Cubo+ we train agents of change, forging a future where innovation and collaboration define the path, leaving the legacy of a generation that inspires and transforms.

"Thanks to CUBO+, I've had the opportunity to learn about an exciting field that has transformed my life"

student pic

Fhernanda Elías

CUBO+ Student

"I'm so grateful to be part of cubo+ and witness the good changes that are happening in El Salvador"

user avatar

Rodrigo Aguilera

CUBO+ Student

"Cubo+ has been a transformative experience for me, their commitment on training local talent is truly inspiring. "

student pic

Moises Iglesias

CUBO+ Student

"Being part of Cubo+ taught me how bad the world is, but it also taught me what can be fixed with Bitcoin"

student pic

Jonathan Ramos

CUBO+ Student

"Cubo+ changed my perception about El Salvador, It was a challenge that I would repeat "

student pic

Rodrigo Bonilla

CUBO+ Student

"Cubo+ is not just a program; it's a life-changing experience! It's reshaped how I view life and the endless potential for development in El Salvador! "

student pic

Naomi Iglesias

CUBO+ Student

Who we are.

We are a program dedicated to teaching university students, from enthusiastic beginners to experienced developers. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to understand and participate in the Bitcoin revolution in El Salvador, without barriers or technical limitations.

At Cubo+, we build an inclusive and accessible community. Our mission is to teach Bitcoin, making it easy to understand and apply in everyday life. Join us and let's build the next generation of Bitcoin enthusiasts.

Words from Others

It's not just us.

Discover what others are sharing about us.

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Praesentium, atque exercitationem dolorum, iste libero eaque animi illum magnam velit iusto quidem omnis quas! Ad expedita quaerat.
